Hi. Here’s a little bit about me.
Storytelling is a super power. No, really.
Stories are incredible things. Through a simple story you can insert thoughts and emotions and ideas in the mind of another person, whether they’re right in front of you or anywhere in the world.
A well-told story doesn’t just describe what it’s like to be a big city Mafia boss or a hotshot Navy pilot or a six-year-old girl in 1930s Alabama—when you read or watch or listen to the story, you feel like you’re actually there. Because, in your brain, you are.
Stories are all around.
Stories have fascinated me ever since I was a book-devouring child, and I grew up with a hunger to create stories like the ones that had entertained and educated and influenced me through most of my life. This led to a love of writing and a career that has been woven in and around the power of storytelling, in all its different forms.
UX writing, content strategy, marketing messages, even product descriptions—they all can incorporate elements of stories and storytelling to create connections and evoke emotions.
So that’s me.
Well, not entirely. There are a few other things: I’m a dad, I live in Canada, I love technology and geek culture and origami, and I have a Guinness World Record certificate.
If you want to know more about any of that or what I’m able to do with 26 letters and some punctuation, all you have to do is reach out.
Image credit: Yannick Pulver